Tuesday, April 21, 2009



Thypus disease is an infection of the bacteria in the small intestine and sometimes in blood flow caused by the bacteria Salmonella typhi or Salmonella paratyphi A, B and C, than this can also cause Gastroenteritis (food poisoning) and septikemia (not the intestine)

These bacteria enter through the alimentary tract, after the breed and then penetrate the gut wall limfa channel, into the blood vessel within 24-72 hours. Can then occur in the breeding system retikuloendothelial and spread back to the blood vessel and cause a variety of clinical symptoms.

How Salmonella bacteria thypi to spread in the body?

Tifoid fever is a disease spreading through the channel digested (mouth, esofagus, bound, 12-finger intestine, small intestine, large intestine, dstnya). Salmonella typhi entry into the human body with food or drink that tercemar. How spreading through vomit, urin, and dirt from people who are passive and then brought by fly (leg-foot fly). Fly that make food, beverages, vegetables, and fresh fruits contain Salmonella thypi.

When bacteria enter the human alimentary tract, some dead bacteria by stomach acid and some of the bacteria into the small intestine. From the small intestine that bacteria can act so that the "bust" small intestine. After successfully exceeded the small intestine, the bacteria enter the lymph gland, to the blood vessel, and to the entire body (especially in the organs liver, bile, and others). If such circumstances, urine and faeces can contain germs of Salmonella typhi that ready to make another human infection through food or beverages that contain the bacteria

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